Grace V. Aquino, PhD Candidate
Environmental Science
Bruce Lab
Diesel Exhaust Particles (DEP) are a public health concern because exposure to such particles has been linked to cardio-respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegeneration is mediated by microglia, the immune cells that surveil the brain and its protective blood-brain barrier (BBB). While microglia are normally protective, in some conditions they become harmful and can adversely affect the BBB. However, the role of the microglia in direct contact with the BBB has not yet been evaluated. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of microglia on cells of the BBB in vitro under acute (24 hr) low concentration exposure to ultrafine DEP.

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019. 3:30 - 4:30PM, BSB, room C206.