This is our first installment of the BaylorWISE Spotlight Series and this week, we've interviewed Dr. Rizalia Klausmeyer who is the Director of Undergraduate Research, the program director for the Science Research Fellows, and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Perhaps most importantly, she is also the founder of BaylorWISE!

What inspired you to pursue a career in STEM?
My parents wanted me to go to medical school, but opening the cat in anatomy was the grossest experience of my life. At that time,my TA in organic lab was a graduate student and she always talked to us about her research (snake venom).She looked so happy and was so enthusiastic,that I decided to major in chemistry. In addition,in Puerto Rico there were many pharmaceutical companies so I could easily get a job.
How would you describe your work to the public?
I guide students that want to be active in research by showing them all the opportunities that are available at Baylor. In addition,I also teach them what research entails, so they can choose a research group that is a good fit for them, and they are prepared for the challenges of undergraduate research.
What do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy listening to audiobooks (no time to sit down and read), lettering and journaling, and quilting. Actually, I enjoy planning and making the quilt tops. I have several quilt tops ready but not one quilt finished.
What is an accomplishment that younger you would have thought unachievable?
I never thought I end up teaching at a university,and I never dreamed I would be helping students get into research when I do not have a research group of my own.
If you could give one piece of advice to the younger generation, what would it be?
Find at least one mentor. Talk with them regularly, share your dreams and plans with them, and ask for their advice before making big career decisions. You do not have to go at it alone. We have a lot of experience that we want to share. We have made mistakes and now,we know a little better. We can help you avoid mistakes and see the situation from a different perspective.