For this week's spotlight series, we have our other graduate coordinator, Himasha Perera! She's a graduate student in the Chemistry & Biochemistry department as well as a CGE Ambassador.

What inspired you to pursue a career in STEM?
Growing up, I always wanted to be the best in everything I do. If I set my mind into achieving something; like winning a competition, even if I am not highly skilled at it, I would work really hard and practice in order to achieve my goal. Science is something that I wasn’t sure whether I can pursue, because I had this notion of ‘Science being super hard’. I am coming from a background where most of family is in the banking or accounting sectors. In middle school, I thought it is easier to follow their footsteps because they will be there to guide me. But deep down in my heart I knew I wanted to explore what science has to offer. In high school when it was time to decide, with the encouragement of my parents, I chose to pursue biological sciences for my higher education. At the time, the only career path I was aware of,in the biological sciences, was to become a medical doctor. But, when I got selected for the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry degree at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, I was introduced to the world of scientific research which later led me to secure a scholarship and a fellowship to pursue a PhD in the US. I am now in the 5th year of my PhD exploring interesting research questions that no one knows the answers for.
How would you describe your work to the public?
I study the process of how DNA make more copies of itself. DNA cannot do this all by itself, it requires the support of proteins. There are two main proteins involved in this copy process. I study how these two proteins interact with each other and also with DNA. I use bacteria to study this DNA copy process.
What do you enjoy doing the most? I enjoy combining art with science. I love painting with watercolor and canvas and also I have recently started exploring science illustration using digital media.
Share an accomplishment that a younger you would have thought unachievable.
Coming to the US for a PhD with a Scholarship and a Fellowship
If you could give a piece of advice to the younger generation, what would it be?
'If you set your mind to it & work hard, nothing is impossible.'