Today we are shining on a spotlight on undergrad Shubhneet Wrar who is a pre-med and the president of BURST. Check out her full interview below!

What inspired you to pursue a degree in STEM?
In high school, chemistry classes were my favorite–I enjoyed learning about the science behind nature and how chemistry related to medicine and pharmacology. Observing the application of science in a clinical setting and how it significantly affected patients solidified my pursuit of a STEM degree on the pre-med track.
How would you describe your work to the public?
In Dr. Solouki’s analytical chemistry lab, I use techniques like mass spectrometry and vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy to identify and quantify gas phase analytes. One of my recent projects aimed to improve instrumental and software analysis methods to gain more accurate and robust chemical identifications. Through BURST, I help increase awareness of undergraduate research on campus and organize workshops, lectures, and conferences for students to optimize their research experiences.
What do you enjoy doing the most?
I enjoy connecting with people within and outside of research and helping to cultivate a more supportive community through my different science organizations. Outside of STEM, I enjoy listening to live music, playing with my dogs, and cheering on Baylor athletics. Sic ‘em, bears!
Share an accomplishment that younger you would have thought unachievable?
When I was younger, I was intimidated by research and wondered if I had what it took to be accepted into a lab and conduct experiments of my own. Last year at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, I received the Best Undergraduate Poster Award. I didn’t think I’d actively be a member of a research lab much less be able to effectively communicate my work to scientists in my field. Being able to add to the body of scientific research and connect with fellow scientists has been a really rewarding experience. Just goes to show that persistence and hard work never fails!
If you can give an advice to the younger generation, what would it be?
Be genuine and truly passionate about everything you choose to do. Engaging in activities just to tick a box on a checklist or bolster you resume won’t help you grow. Take advantage of the resources around you to pursue experiences that pique your curiosity or push you outside your comfort zone–whether that’s research or something else.
